Month: February 2024

This Stowaway has Crabs! – 404This Stowaway has Crabs! – 404

Whimsical Street Art Catches Everyone Off Guard and Delights Downtown Boston at 16 LocationsUS Coast Guard Inspectors Rescue Stowaway Dog from Shipping ContainerSocial Media Goes Crazy for Customer Who Went Above and Beyond to Mail $20 TipSea Otters Returned to a Degraded Coastline Ate Enough

Many to none But in a good way! – 403Many to none But in a good way! – 403 of Strange 12-Sided Objects from Roman Times Have Been Found—No One Knows What They're For ( Palo Alto goes from U.S. 'murder capital' to zero homicides - Los Angeles Times ( Thrift Store Shopper Joked She’d Found a Famous Artist’s Work for $4 –

Cicadas like Beards – 402Cicadas like Beards – 402 Closing song by Alvvays - “Archie, Marry Me”  

Rebooting after the beforetimes – 401Rebooting after the beforetimes – 401

We are back! Back at the Aristocrat, and now with more positive news!