Category: 2 Beers In- Austin

We stay away from politics and pop culture.
Brett Weaver and Monica Ballard enjoy libations and talk about positive news stories.
Friends and patrons chime in with their stories too!
Because all the best conversations start 2 Beers in!

Many to none But in a good way! – 403Many to none But in a good way! – 403 of Strange 12-Sided Objects from Roman Times Have Been Found—No One Knows What They're For ( Palo Alto goes from U.S. 'murder capital' to zero homicides - Los Angeles Times ( Thrift Store Shopper Joked She’d Found a Famous Artist’s Work for $4 –

Cicadas like Beards – 402Cicadas like Beards – 402 Closing song by Alvvays - “Archie, Marry Me”  

Rebooting after the beforetimes – 401Rebooting after the beforetimes – 401

We are back! Back at the Aristocrat, and now with more positive news!

The Enchanted Adventuretime EpisodeThe Enchanted Adventuretime Episode

… As Brett preps for Japan, Monica recaps Seattle, and everyone at the table has a story about Enchanted Rock, involving torrid degrees, bees, and … “Probably sex.” Keep up with your tour guides, and enjoy responsibly.

No Recording tonight. But….No Recording tonight. But….

With Monica being out of town, I will be at Austin Eastciders at 6pm to enjoy a drink or two before helping out at Penfold Theater’s “Crime and Punishment” at the Ground Floor Theatre. Come by and have a couple, and we might even grab

Baretto near the ArboretumBaretto near the Arboretum

We aren’t recording, but I thought we could branch out today. Come meet people and joke and drink and laugh!

Going on the road…. to be a Wizard.Going on the road…. to be a Wizard.

We are finally going to record at one of our favorite places.Join us Thursday around 6:30 for 2 Beers In at the Fang and Feather over at the Wizards Academy in Driftwood, Tx (Over by the original Salt Lick BBQ)Here’s the address. 16221 Crystal Hills

Gonna do it again! Aristocrat Lounge – Burnet Rd.Gonna do it again! Aristocrat Lounge – Burnet Rd.

Monica and I will be there around 6. Only one episode but come on out! The Aristocrat Lounge6507 Burnet Rd, Austin, TX 78757

Back at the Legendary Aristocrat Lounge tonight!Back at the Legendary Aristocrat Lounge tonight!

We’ll be starting around 6:30. We have some fun stories to tell, and would also love to hear from you!

How about next week?How about next week?

Monica and I wont be at the Aristocrat this week, but we will be there a week from now, so join us! 6507 Burnet Rd, Austin, TX 787576pm!

The Lean Alternate Machine and Somebody Is Mean EpisodeThe Lean Alternate Machine and Somebody Is Mean Episode

We went ahead and broke continuity to present these during the holidays! Brett and Monica are joined at The Brewtorium by Doug & Jessica. Jessica shares her dark suspicions about The Aristocrat Lounge and gives a blow by blow description of how someone at a

Holiday Visit to Hops and GrainsHoliday Visit to Hops and Grains

Tomorrow, December 18th at 6 pm, join us at Hops and Grains, ( In East Austin. Here’s the address. 507 Calles St, Ste 101, Austin, TX 78702.We had such a good time at the Brewtoreum last week, and we turned the technical difficulties into something funny.

Holiday Visit to the Brewtoreum.Holiday Visit to the Brewtoreum.

Hey all! Just a quick reminder that a new episode of 2 Beers In is up. I am also trying to hook up all my post centrally here so that it will go out everywhere else. I know this is short notice, but tonight at

The Getaway EpisodeThe Getaway Episode

Brett is about to leave for Japan, Monica returns from Seattle and every one of them has a story about nearby Enchanted Rock – even guest Andrew, whose encounter with bees is the stuff of horror films! Do enjoy the mayhem responsibly!

The Introverted Extroverts EpisodeThe Introverted Extroverts Episode

Enjoy your favorite libation as Brett & Monica recall Giving tours at the opening of a whiskey distillery where it was too hot to drink, Both learn their tolerance for socializing. Monica experiences irony during a gig at The Thinkery where you work for s’mores

The Tomorrow-land Episode…The Tomorrow-land Episode…

Brett and Monica are joined by podcast & Aristocrat regular Doug for Remembrances of our first exposure to wondrous inventions that are ordinary today. Stuff like sensor faucets, paper towel dispensers, clumping cat littler, HDTV – stuff like that! You won’t look at the commonplace

The Ne’er Do Well” Sister ShowThe Ne’er Do Well” Sister Show

Simone, Eric, Val, and James join Brett & Monica on an episode where Marriage proposals abound: Valerie – from a Korean taxi driver AND Brett. (She was torn, let me tell ya!) We’re strapped trying to NOT talk about the weather because Val hates that,

The Marching Band EpisodeThe Marching Band Episode

Welcome to Season Two! We’ve Now Officially Run Longer Than “Firefly!” (Suck it, JJ Abrams!)Eric “DeKill” (who is off mic) and Valerie (who is ALSO off mic a lot) join Brett, Monica and Andrew joins the discussion. Marching band antics and routines. High school memories

Space Cases and Flaming Tortilla Chips!Space Cases and Flaming Tortilla Chips!

Brett and Monica are joined by Doug and Craig Journey through fact & fiction about the Cassini Mission, the X Rocket, and we find that naysayers have been saying nay for a few, nay, many years! What caused tortilla chips to ignite – twice?